
Liver Inflammation: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Management, and Innovations in Treatment for Healthcare Professionals

Liver Inflammation

Table of Contents

Liver inflammation, also called hepatitis, is the most common gastrointestinal pathology that results from viral infection, toxins, excessive alcohol consumption, certain drugs and autoimmune disorders. It is characterised by jaundice (yellow discolouration of the eyes), loss of appetite, weight loss, dark colouration of urine, pale colour stools, and fatigue.

What is liver inflammation?

The word hepatitis is derived from the Greek words “HEPA”, which means liver, and “itis”, which means inflammation. Various factors, including viral infection, autoimmune, toxins, medications, and alcohol consumption, can cause liver inflammation. However, the most common cause of liver inflammation is viral hepatitis, including Hep-A, Hep-B, Hep-C, Hep-D and Hep-E.

Acute liver inflammation:

The inflammation of the liver can be acute or chronic, depending upon the disease duration. If the duration of the insult of inflammation is less than six months, this is called acute inflammation. Acute inflammation of the liver usually resolves spontaneously but can cause fulminant liver failure depending on the causative factor.

Chronic liver inflammation:

If the duration of the insult of inflammation is more than six months, it is called chronic inflammation of the liver.

However, chronic liver inflammation can cause liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma and increases morbidity and mortality of the patients. 

Early diagnosis by your health care professionals is necessary to control the disease progression and prevent further liver damage.


Viral hepatitis is considered a major health issue worldwide. It affects millions of people every year, with significant morbidity and mortality. Chronic viral infection of hepatitis B and C can cause liver damage, including liver cirrhosis, fibrotic changes, and hepatocellular carcinoma.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.3 million people died due to viral hepatitis in 2015. Previous reports show that about 2 billion people have hepatitis B, 185 million people have hepatitis C and 20 million people have hepatitis E.

Hepatitis A most commonly targets children in high-endemic areas. Furthermore, the annual death caused by viral hepatitis is about 1.4 million, and most commonly caused by hepatitis B and C.

Liver Inflammation - Physiology of the Liver

The Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver

The liver, a vital body organ in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen, plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes.


Anatomically, the liver is divided into two primary lobes that are made of 8 segments. These lobes habitat millions of hepatic cells or hepatocytes, which perform most of the liver’s functions. These cells are surrounded by a network of bile ducts and blood vessels to maintain blood supply, exchange nutrients, production of bile, and remove harmful waste from your body.


Dr Mikel H. G Hoff states that the liver is a biochemical engine of your body. It controls more than 500 functions in your body to make sure that your body is working perfectly. The functions of the liver include:

  • Bile production helps in the digestion and breakdown of fat
  • Removal of bacteria and toxins from the blood
  • Cholesterol production
  • Removal of toxins and waste products from your body
  • Regulation of amino acids in your blood
  • Conversion of ammonia into urea
  • Regulate the clotting protein in your body
  • Convert excessive glucose into glycogen and store it in your body
  • Maintain a balance of your sex hormones

The liver collaborates with the multiple organs of your body, including the pancreas, kidney, intestine and nervous system, for the proper functioning of your body. The liver needs 100% healthy function to maintain this collaboration. 

The liver has a proenzyme called melatonin that produces glutathione (a potent antioxidant) that helps to remove free radicals from your body and prevent autoimmune diseases like hypo and hyperthyroidism.

When the liver is inflamed, these vital functions are compromised. Liver inflammation can damage hepatocytes, impairing the liver’s ability to detoxify the body, process nutrients, and fight infections. If left unaddressed, liver inflammation can lead to more severe conditions such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Causes of Liver Inflammation:

Identifying the cause of liver inflammation is a vital first step in managing this condition. Various factors can cause liver inflammation. These factors include. Here are some of the most common:

1-Viral infection:

Viral hepatitis, caused by Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses, is a leading cause of liver inflammation worldwide. These viruses can cause acute and chronic liver inflammation, with different clinical presentations and implications.

2-Excessive alcohol consumption:

Excessive alcohol consumption induces inflammation of hepatocytes due to bacterial overgrowth or dysbiosis.

3-Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):

NAFLD is a type of liver disease that is often associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome and can lead to liver inflammation and eventual scarring.

4-Autoimmune Liver Diseases:

Your immune system protects against various pathologies. During autoimmune hepatitis, the normal cells of the liver are targeted and damaged by the body’s immune system, leading to autoimmune hepatitis. Other autoimmune diseases are primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

5-Drug-Induced Liver Inflammation:

According to Dr Mikel H. G Hoff, the more medication and supplements you eat, the more you slowly destroy your liver’s ability to function properly. There are certain types of medication that, when used excessively, can cause liver inflammation. Here is the list of drugs that cause liver cells to be damaged.

  • Acetaminophen (antipyretic drug)
  • Halothane
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-Diclofenac
  • Amiodarone
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Isoniazid
  • Erythromycin
  • Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim
Complications of Liver Inflammation

Clinical Presentation of Liver Inflammation:

Clinical presentation of liver inflammation varies from person to person. Some people remain asymptomatic, and others develop symptoms that can be mild, moderate or severe depending upon the severity of the disease and the type of virus causing infection.

Phases of viral hepatitis:

Viral hepatitis usually has 4 phases, including:

1-Replication phase

In this phase, the laboratory studies (viral markers) are positive. However, the affected person remains asymptomatic.

2-Prodromal phase:

Patients in this phase usually present with multiple prodromal symptoms, including:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Malaise
  • Intense pruritus
  • Joint pain

3-Icteric phase:

This phase is characterised by pain in the right upper quadrant, jaundice (yellow discolouration of the eyes) and hepatomegaly with dark-coloured urine and pale-coloured stool.

4-Convalescent phase:

It is the recovery phase in which the symptom is resolved, and the liver enzyme comes to the average value.

Progression of the disease:

In more severe cases, if the liver inflammation remains unaddressed, it can lead to liver failure that is characterised by the.

  • Ascites (abdominal fluid accumulation),
  • Edema (swelling in the legs),

Hepatic encephalopathy is characterised by confusion, altered level of consciousness, and even coma. 

However, understanding these clinical presentations and their relation to the underlying cause is crucial for healthcare professionals. It allows for a timely and accurate diagnosis, which can significantly impact patient outcomes.

Complications of Liver Inflammation

If liver inflammation remains undiagnosed and left untreated or poorly managed, it can cause several serious complications. As healthcare professionals, understanding these potential complications of liver inflammation is crucial to providing the best possible care to our patients. The complications of liver inflammation include:

1-Liver cirrhosis:

Persistent liver inflammation can lead to liver cirrhosis, a condition characterised by fibrosis (scarring) and the formation of nodules in the liver. This alters the liver’s structure and function, impairing its ability to detoxify the body, synthesise proteins, and produce bile.

2-Liver failure:

Advanced cirrhosis can progress to liver failure, a life-threatening condition where the liver has lost its ability to function. Symptoms of liver failure can include jaundice, ascites, bleeding, and hepatic encephalopathy.

3-Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC):

Long-standing liver inflammation, especially in the context of cirrhosis, significantly increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, a common type of liver cancer.

4-Extrahepatic Complications Liver Inflammation:

Chronic liver inflammation can also lead to complications outside the liver, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and metabolic bone disease.

How do ANF Therapists diagnose liver inflammation?

ANF Therapists diagnose liver inflammation by taking a history and physical examination. They don’t prescribe expensive tests that are sometimes not affordable.


This is the core step to making the diagnosis. During history, your ANF Therapist will ask a few questions about your disease. These include

  • Presenting complaints
  • Onset and duration of the symptoms
  • Colour of stools and urine
  • History of weight loss

Physical examination:

After history, the foremost step of diagnosis is the patient’s physical examination. During physical examination, the ANF Therapist will thoroughly examine your body and do palpation.


Palpation includes superficial and deep palpation. In superficial palpation, an ANF Therapist will palpate your abdomen superficially to check for tenderness and visceromegaly. In deep palpation, he will examine the liver and palate nerves. If the patient feels pain during palpation, it means there is inflammation. Moreover, he will check the size and consistency of the liver and palpate abdominal nerves. During palpation, he will discriminate between healthy and inflamed nerves. 

He will also examine the abdomen for ascitic fluid and the legs for oedema. During palpation, he will also assess the lymph nodes of your body to check whether they are palpable or not. 

How does ANF Therapy®️ help in treating liver inflammation?

ANF Therapy®️ is a revolutionary treatment that treats liver inflammation without causing any complications. There is no need to take several medications and invasive procedures to test liver inflammation.

ANF Therapy®️ is a non-invasive procedure in which the ANF Devices are placed over your body’s affected area. In the case of liver inflammation, the ANF Devices (anti-inflammatory devices) are placed over the front and back lobe of the liver to reduce liver inflammation.

Antioxidant (glutathione and carnosine) devices are also used to combat the harmful free radicals in your body and reestablish liver function.

Patients with liver inflammation do not come only with symptoms associated with liver disease but can also present with kidney problems, cardiovascular problems and intestinal problems. Therefore, an ANF Therapist will administer cardiovascular, kidney, stomach and intestine ANF protocol to the patient depending upon the severity of the disease.

Benefits of ANF Therapy®️:

This innovative approach is gaining recognition for its potential in managing liver inflammation. ANF Therapy®️ involves using ANF Devices applied over the body that emits neuro frequencies, aiding in cell repair and reducing inflammation. This therapy provides promising results and long-term relief.


After the initial treatment session with ANF Therapy®️, the patient needs to visit the clinic every third day for re-examination and reassessment in the first month to check the improvement. After a few sessions, an ANF Therapist may guide you on how to apply ANF Devices at home.
Liver Inflammation - Water intake

Dietary modifications:

According to Dr. Mikel H. G Hoff, dietary modifications are necessary in treating liver inflammation. These modifications include

  • Water intake should be a minimum of 50 CL per hour to avoid fluid overload
  • Stop drinking water before 3 hours going into bed to prevent frequent urination that will affect your sleep and lifestyle
  • Stop alcohol abuse strictly in case of liver inflammation
  • Stop using a sugar diet and fruits rich in fructose and acids like grapes, bananas and strawberry
  • Salt restriction (use only one teaspoon of salt for a whole day to avoid hyponatremia)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that my liver is healing?

An increase in appetite, digestion and tolerating food is the earliest sign that your liver is healing. Your body organs begin to work normally when your liver is healing.

Can liver inflammation be cured?

The ability to reverse liver inflammation depends mainly on the cause and stage of the disease. Early-stage inflammation, particularly if due to alcohol or medication, can often be reversed with ANF Therapy®️ and appropriate lifestyle changes. However, advanced stages with extensive fibrosis or cirrhosis may not be fully reversible.

What is the role of diet in managing liver inflammation?

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in managing liver inflammation, particularly in cases of NAFLD and alcoholic liver disease. A diet low in saturated fats, sugars, and alcohol but high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is typically recommended.

Where is liver pain felt?

The liver pain is felt on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen just below the ribs in the fourth intercostal space. 

How is ANF Therapy®️ used in the management of liver inflammation?

ANF Therapy®️ involves the use of wearable devices that emit neuro frequencies, aiding in cell repair and reducing inflammation. While it’s a relatively new approach, it holds promise for managing liver inflammation in conjunction with traditional therapies.

Incorporating ANF Therapy®️ into Your Clinical Practice:

As healthcare practitioners, it’s crucial to know the latest therapeutic methods and other ingestion in your practice. ANF Therapy®️ is an emerging, non-invasive technique that provides prompt and enduring relief for patients suffering from pain.

Advantages of Incorporating ANF Therapy®️:

1-Swift and sustained outcomes:

ANF Therapy®️ offers immediate relief from pain by reducing inflammation and targeting the underlying cause of discomfort. By extending this therapy, healthcare practitioners can facilitate long-lasting improvements in patients’ conditions and elevate overall therapeutic results.

2-Holistic treatment:

Including ANF Therapy®️ in practice permits healthcare practitioners to provide a broader array of therapeutic options, allowing for a customised approach that aligns with each patient’s unique needs.

3-Leading-edge approach:

The adoption of ANF Therapy®️ allows healthcare practitioners to stay at the cutting edge of emerging therapies, establishing themselves as pioneers in pain management. For further information about ANF Clinical Education Programs, visit www.anfacademy.com.

About ANF Therapy®️

ANF Therapy®️ uses circular ANF Devices, which are applied directly on the skin after palpation and assessment by a trained ANF Therapist following the ANF Therapy®️ Method, Patented Model no. U202030252, ES1259974. The ANF Therapy®️ purpose is the alleviation of injury and pain within minutes. Our aim is that the patient experiences a reduction of pain and swelling, an increase in range of motion, and an improvement in quality of life related to health. Non-transdermal, non-invasive device, NO needles or chemicals are used. Do you need help with your health issues? Contact us, and we will explain how we can help you!
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Liver Inflammation: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Management, and Innovations in Treatment for Healthcare Professionals

Liver Inflammation

Table of Contents

Liver inflammation, also called hepatitis, is the most common gastrointestinal pathology that results from viral infection, toxins, excessive alcohol consumption, certain drugs and autoimmune disorders. It is characterised by jaundice (yellow discolouration of the eyes), loss of appetite, weight loss, dark colouration of urine, pale colour stools, and fatigue.

What is liver inflammation?

The word hepatitis is derived from the Greek words “HEPA”, which means liver, and “itis”, which means inflammation. Various factors, including viral infection, autoimmune, toxins, medications, and alcohol consumption, can cause liver inflammation. However, the most common cause of liver inflammation is viral hepatitis, including Hep-A, Hep-B, Hep-C, Hep-D and Hep-E.

Acute liver inflammation:

The inflammation of the liver can be acute or chronic, depending upon the disease duration. If the duration of the insult of inflammation is less than six months, this is called acute inflammation. Acute inflammation of the liver usually resolves spontaneously but can cause fulminant liver failure depending on the causative factor.

Chronic liver inflammation:

If the duration of the insult of inflammation is more than six months, it is called chronic inflammation of the liver.

However, chronic liver inflammation can cause liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma and increases morbidity and mortality of the patients. 

Early diagnosis by your health care professionals is necessary to control the disease progression and prevent further liver damage.


Viral hepatitis is considered a major health issue worldwide. It affects millions of people every year, with significant morbidity and mortality. Chronic viral infection of hepatitis B and C can cause liver damage, including liver cirrhosis, fibrotic changes, and hepatocellular carcinoma.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.3 million people died due to viral hepatitis in 2015. Previous reports show that about 2 billion people have hepatitis B, 185 million people have hepatitis C and 20 million people have hepatitis E.

Hepatitis A most commonly targets children in high-endemic areas. Furthermore, the annual death caused by viral hepatitis is about 1.4 million, and most commonly caused by hepatitis B and C.

Liver Inflammation - Physiology of the Liver

The Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver

The liver, a vital body organ in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen, plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes.


Anatomically, the liver is divided into two primary lobes that are made of 8 segments. These lobes habitat millions of hepatic cells or hepatocytes, which perform most of the liver’s functions. These cells are surrounded by a network of bile ducts and blood vessels to maintain blood supply, exchange nutrients, production of bile, and remove harmful waste from your body.


Dr Mikel H. G Hoff states that the liver is a biochemical engine of your body. It controls more than 500 functions in your body to make sure that your body is working perfectly. The functions of the liver include:

  • Bile production helps in the digestion and breakdown of fat
  • Removal of bacteria and toxins from the blood
  • Cholesterol production
  • Removal of toxins and waste products from your body
  • Regulation of amino acids in your blood
  • Conversion of ammonia into urea
  • Regulate the clotting protein in your body
  • Convert excessive glucose into glycogen and store it in your body
  • Maintain a balance of your sex hormones

The liver collaborates with the multiple organs of your body, including the pancreas, kidney, intestine and nervous system, for the proper functioning of your body. The liver needs 100% healthy function to maintain this collaboration. 

The liver has a proenzyme called melatonin that produces glutathione (a potent antioxidant) that helps to remove free radicals from your body and prevent autoimmune diseases like hypo and hyperthyroidism.

When the liver is inflamed, these vital functions are compromised. Liver inflammation can damage hepatocytes, impairing the liver’s ability to detoxify the body, process nutrients, and fight infections. If left unaddressed, liver inflammation can lead to more severe conditions such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Causes of Liver Inflammation:

Identifying the cause of liver inflammation is a vital first step in managing this condition. Various factors can cause liver inflammation. These factors include. Here are some of the most common:

1-Viral infection:

Viral hepatitis, caused by Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses, is a leading cause of liver inflammation worldwide. These viruses can cause acute and chronic liver inflammation, with different clinical presentations and implications.

2-Excessive alcohol consumption:

Excessive alcohol consumption induces inflammation of hepatocytes due to bacterial overgrowth or dysbiosis.

3-Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):

NAFLD is a type of liver disease that is often associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome and can lead to liver inflammation and eventual scarring.

4-Autoimmune Liver Diseases:

Your immune system protects against various pathologies. During autoimmune hepatitis, the normal cells of the liver are targeted and damaged by the body’s immune system, leading to autoimmune hepatitis. Other autoimmune diseases are primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

5-Drug-Induced Liver Inflammation:

According to Dr Mikel H. G Hoff, the more medication and supplements you eat, the more you slowly destroy your liver’s ability to function properly. There are certain types of medication that, when used excessively, can cause liver inflammation. Here is the list of drugs that cause liver cells to be damaged.

  • Acetaminophen (antipyretic drug)
  • Halothane
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-Diclofenac
  • Amiodarone
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Isoniazid
  • Erythromycin
  • Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim
Complications of Liver Inflammation

Clinical Presentation of Liver Inflammation:

Clinical presentation of liver inflammation varies from person to person. Some people remain asymptomatic, and others develop symptoms that can be mild, moderate or severe depending upon the severity of the disease and the type of virus causing infection.

Phases of viral hepatitis:

Viral hepatitis usually has 4 phases, including:

1-Replication phase

In this phase, the laboratory studies (viral markers) are positive. However, the affected person remains asymptomatic.

2-Prodromal phase:

Patients in this phase usually present with multiple prodromal symptoms, including:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Malaise
  • Intense pruritus
  • Joint pain

3-Icteric phase:

This phase is characterised by pain in the right upper quadrant, jaundice (yellow discolouration of the eyes) and hepatomegaly with dark-coloured urine and pale-coloured stool.

4-Convalescent phase:

It is the recovery phase in which the symptom is resolved, and the liver enzyme comes to the average value.

Progression of the disease:

In more severe cases, if the liver inflammation remains unaddressed, it can lead to liver failure that is characterised by the.

  • Ascites (abdominal fluid accumulation),
  • Edema (swelling in the legs),

Hepatic encephalopathy is characterised by confusion, altered level of consciousness, and even coma. 

However, understanding these clinical presentations and their relation to the underlying cause is crucial for healthcare professionals. It allows for a timely and accurate diagnosis, which can significantly impact patient outcomes.

Complications of Liver Inflammation

If liver inflammation remains undiagnosed and left untreated or poorly managed, it can cause several serious complications. As healthcare professionals, understanding these potential complications of liver inflammation is crucial to providing the best possible care to our patients. The complications of liver inflammation include:

1-Liver cirrhosis:

Persistent liver inflammation can lead to liver cirrhosis, a condition characterised by fibrosis (scarring) and the formation of nodules in the liver. This alters the liver’s structure and function, impairing its ability to detoxify the body, synthesise proteins, and produce bile.

2-Liver failure:

Advanced cirrhosis can progress to liver failure, a life-threatening condition where the liver has lost its ability to function. Symptoms of liver failure can include jaundice, ascites, bleeding, and hepatic encephalopathy.

3-Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC):

Long-standing liver inflammation, especially in the context of cirrhosis, significantly increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, a common type of liver cancer.

4-Extrahepatic Complications Liver Inflammation:

Chronic liver inflammation can also lead to complications outside the liver, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and metabolic bone disease.

How do ANF Therapists diagnose liver inflammation?

ANF Therapists diagnose liver inflammation by taking a history and physical examination. They don’t prescribe expensive tests that are sometimes not affordable.


This is the core step to making the diagnosis. During history, your ANF Therapist will ask a few questions about your disease. These include

  • Presenting complaints
  • Onset and duration of the symptoms
  • Colour of stools and urine
  • History of weight loss

Physical examination:

After history, the foremost step of diagnosis is the patient’s physical examination. During physical examination, the ANF Therapist will thoroughly examine your body and do palpation.


Palpation includes superficial and deep palpation. In superficial palpation, an ANF Therapist will palpate your abdomen superficially to check for tenderness and visceromegaly. In deep palpation, he will examine the liver and palate nerves. If the patient feels pain during palpation, it means there is inflammation. Moreover, he will check the size and consistency of the liver and palpate abdominal nerves. During palpation, he will discriminate between healthy and inflamed nerves. 

He will also examine the abdomen for ascitic fluid and the legs for oedema. During palpation, he will also assess the lymph nodes of your body to check whether they are palpable or not. 

How does ANF Therapy®️ help in treating liver inflammation?

ANF Therapy®️ is a revolutionary treatment that treats liver inflammation without causing any complications. There is no need to take several medications and invasive procedures to test liver inflammation.

ANF Therapy®️ is a non-invasive procedure in which the ANF Devices are placed over your body’s affected area. In the case of liver inflammation, the ANF Devices (anti-inflammatory devices) are placed over the front and back lobe of the liver to reduce liver inflammation.

Antioxidant (glutathione and carnosine) devices are also used to combat the harmful free radicals in your body and reestablish liver function.

Patients with liver inflammation do not come only with symptoms associated with liver disease but can also present with kidney problems, cardiovascular problems and intestinal problems. Therefore, an ANF Therapist will administer cardiovascular, kidney, stomach and intestine ANF protocol to the patient depending upon the severity of the disease.

Benefits of ANF Therapy®️:

This innovative approach is gaining recognition for its potential in managing liver inflammation. ANF Therapy®️ involves using ANF Devices applied over the body that emits neuro frequencies, aiding in cell repair and reducing inflammation. This therapy provides promising results and long-term relief.


After the initial treatment session with ANF Therapy®️, the patient needs to visit the clinic every third day for re-examination and reassessment in the first month to check the improvement. After a few sessions, an ANF Therapist may guide you on how to apply ANF Devices at home.
Liver Inflammation - Water intake

Dietary modifications:

According to Dr. Mikel H. G Hoff, dietary modifications are necessary in treating liver inflammation. These modifications include

  • Water intake should be a minimum of 50 CL per hour to avoid fluid overload
  • Stop drinking water before 3 hours going into bed to prevent frequent urination that will affect your sleep and lifestyle
  • Stop alcohol abuse strictly in case of liver inflammation
  • Stop using a sugar diet and fruits rich in fructose and acids like grapes, bananas and strawberry
  • Salt restriction (use only one teaspoon of salt for a whole day to avoid hyponatremia)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that my liver is healing?

An increase in appetite, digestion and tolerating food is the earliest sign that your liver is healing. Your body organs begin to work normally when your liver is healing.

Can liver inflammation be cured?

The ability to reverse liver inflammation depends mainly on the cause and stage of the disease. Early-stage inflammation, particularly if due to alcohol or medication, can often be reversed with ANF Therapy®️ and appropriate lifestyle changes. However, advanced stages with extensive fibrosis or cirrhosis may not be fully reversible.

What is the role of diet in managing liver inflammation?

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in managing liver inflammation, particularly in cases of NAFLD and alcoholic liver disease. A diet low in saturated fats, sugars, and alcohol but high in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is typically recommended.

Where is liver pain felt?

The liver pain is felt on the right upper quadrant of the abdomen just below the ribs in the fourth intercostal space. 

How is ANF Therapy®️ used in the management of liver inflammation?

ANF Therapy®️ involves the use of wearable devices that emit neuro frequencies, aiding in cell repair and reducing inflammation. While it’s a relatively new approach, it holds promise for managing liver inflammation in conjunction with traditional therapies.

Incorporating ANF Therapy®️ into Your Clinical Practice:

As healthcare practitioners, it’s crucial to know the latest therapeutic methods and other ingestion in your practice. ANF Therapy®️ is an emerging, non-invasive technique that provides prompt and enduring relief for patients suffering from pain.

Advantages of Incorporating ANF Therapy®️:

1-Swift and sustained outcomes:

ANF Therapy®️ offers immediate relief from pain by reducing inflammation and targeting the underlying cause of discomfort. By extending this therapy, healthcare practitioners can facilitate long-lasting improvements in patients’ conditions and elevate overall therapeutic results.

2-Holistic treatment:

Including ANF Therapy®️ in practice permits healthcare practitioners to provide a broader array of therapeutic options, allowing for a customised approach that aligns with each patient’s unique needs.

3-Leading-edge approach:

The adoption of ANF Therapy®️ allows healthcare practitioners to stay at the cutting edge of emerging therapies, establishing themselves as pioneers in pain management. For further information about ANF Clinical Education Programs, visit www.anfacademy.com.

About ANF Therapy®️

ANF Therapy®️ uses circular ANF Devices, which are applied directly on the skin after palpation and assessment by a trained ANF Therapist following the ANF Therapy®️ Method, Patented Model no. U202030252, ES1259974. The ANF Therapy®️ purpose is the alleviation of injury and pain within minutes. Our aim is that the patient experiences a reduction of pain and swelling, an increase in range of motion, and an improvement in quality of life related to health. Non-transdermal, non-invasive device, NO needles or chemicals are used. Do you need help with your health issues? Contact us, and we will explain how we can help you!
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